Bruce Kirkby's Blog

Episode 7: Fear of Leadership

November 14, 2007 02:21 PM

Day One – River Crossing Very cool to be back at Wilderness Tours. And nostalgic. Seventeen years ago I was working for WT on the weekends… while slogging away at an engineering job during the week. It was the exhilaration...

Episode 6 -- Fear of Water

November 5, 2007 03:14 PM

Day One – Santa Monica Swimming Pool Today is full of unknowns for me. What should I do with the guys in the water? How scared is Sidik? Will he panic in the shallow end? Or is he just ‘not...

Episode 5 -- Fear of Change

November 2, 2007 12:18 PM

Day 1 – Ambushes One of the things I’ve noticed from watching the rough cuts of Episodes 1 and 2 is that my ambushes come right on the tail of Phil’s introduction. And Phil’s voice is always at 11 (out...

Episode 4 -- Fear of Flying

October 25, 2007 10:40 AM

Day One – Gliders. The rigging of planes, trains, or automobiles is always a challenge for the crew. Any vibration, and the shots are useless. We head to the airstrip two hours before the challengers, but still find ourselves rushing...

Episode 3 – Public Speaking

October 17, 2007 03:25 PM

Day 1 – Ambushes Another haircut already?! The producers want to get rid of the ‘wings’! I fly into rainy Vancouver for a quick snip, a bite of sushi, then meet the crew at Earls on Broadway. Ambushes are a...

Episode 2 – Fear of Sharks

October 11, 2007 10:19 AM

Day 1 – Ambushes Kyle’s brother meets us outside his condo, coffee in hand. “Kyle is inside, just waking up!” The crew crams in an elevator, tiptoes out into the hall, and I pound on his door. Kyle answers with...

Episode 1 - Fear of Heights

October 3, 2007 06:57 PM

Day 1 – Ambushes Flying into Winnipeg. So much unknown for me; so much uncertainty. Never done anything like this before. Is my wardrobe OK?! Will I remember my key lines? Meet the rest of the crew. Holy cow...